Artist: CathyCrescendo Released: January 19. 2009

Cathy Crescendo has restored hope that good music is still out there to be made.

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Finally, 2009 has some hope to it. Oh, did I bring the climax in too early for this review? Well, forgive me, but this is the first album to give me any real serious excitement for the last few months.

Sure, there have been some decent listens pass by my ears along with some less than extraordinary tracks that I would soon rather forget, but nothing very magical. With their acoustic pop rock, Cathy Crescendo has restored my hope that good music is still out there to be made. Similar to the song structures known to occupy House of Heroes songs, where a track starts off one way and goes in a completely different direction, combined with the heart of a few choice Nevertheless melodies, this should garner some attention around these parts if you know what is good for you.