White Winter Hymnal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tellus nisl, placerat at diam a, auctor mollis enim. Nullam porttitor, lacus egestas laoreet bibendum, ligula tellus pretium nulla, quis dignissim odio nisl at ligula. Cras elementum nisl ut posuere convallis. Donec vulputate interdum urna vitae pretium. Nullam mattis pellentesque quam ...

Running of the Bulls

The San Fermin Festival in Pamplona starts every year at 12.00 on the 6th of July, and last until midnight on the 14th. The biggest day of the festival is on the 7th of July, when the statue of San Fermin is carried through the streets of the city. The ...

Learning to Program

A journalist I follow on Twitter recently asked me the best way to start to learn how to program. It’s a question I get asked a lot and, although it has been said before, here’s my advice for learning how to program: The most important thing, by far, is to find ...

Privacy Online

The House is expected to vote soon on the USA Freedom Act. If passed, the bill would impose several new restrictions for surveillance operations, including limits on the NSA’s ability to collect phone records of US citizens. The bill would also create a special office to advocate for the public ...

The Wisdom in Honesty

Honesty is saying what we know or suspect to be real, even when we don’t like the consequences. It is also much more. Because most deception is actually self deception, true honesty requires that we recognize our natural human penchant for fooling ourselves. In particular, honesty requires that we guard ...

The Most Simple Caribbean Experience

The Caribbean offers some of the finest sites in the world for scuba diving and snorkelling. The usually crystal clear warm water offers those travellers with an interest in the underwater world endless opportunities. The Caribbean extends in a broad arc of over 4000 km from the Bahamas in the ...